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About the CCTV surveillance enquiry for the definition, motion detection, Wifi ,door control remotely etc.,

Is there anyone could help some or all of the enquiries for CCTV surveillance,thanks :

1.If there are differences for the definition of CCTV surveillance in the commercial and the residential field?

2.What is the motion detection ?

3.Could the infrared lens be used for both daytime and night time ?

4. which kinds of lens are better or the best for no any light at dark night ?

5.All the lens must could be fixed on the wall or can be moved flexibly such as in the warehouse and does it need charge the electricity/ power?

6. How about the stability if using the WIFI ?

7.Can all the data be saved in local disk or  need saved remotely and what are the advantages and disadvantages compared each other ?

8.Can we control remotely for the opening and closing door and could it be integrated for the intelligent furniture system ?


MMPT Electrical / PRS Security

MMPT Electrical / PRS Security

PRS Security is a start-up security solutions corporation offering an extensive line of security system installation and consulting services.  The firm consists of one senior principal officers with a combined industry experience of over 10 years. The company was formed to take advantage of the significant weakness and inadequacies in local, regional, and national security system solutions and protection companies in terms of professionalism, quality, and customer satisfaction.

Just post few new updates regarding the current CCTV technology.

  1. All new technology can be used either the commercial or the residental.
  2. Motion detection has already be replaced by new intelligent video system analytics which comes with like face detection, Intrusion, Tripwire…
  3. The lastest camera can support full colour night vision without IR.
  4. Wifi is not a stable solution for CCTV system.
  5. To use Cloud storage space is not an efficient method to keep and secure the CCTV footage.
  6. All security fuctions can be remotely controlled by using smart phone apps.


Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

PRS Security Support Team.

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